For the good of creativity.

Ideas, creative and design inspiration, curated with care by Steve & Charlie.

Hey Arrels

Hey Arrels

"Passion, enthusiasm, authenticity. Arrels is more than just a brand of shoes: it’s an attitude in the shape of shoes."

Lovely new branding by our favourite Barcelona-based creatives Hey Studio, for similarly-located shoe company Arrel. The company comes from rural roots with a proposition focused on the urban market - a feature that heavily influenced the idea for the new brand in its visual duality and 'handmade and mass produced' design. The pattern represents the ripping up of the urban concrete to reveal the original, natural surface that lies beneath. A lovely concept and striking, bold execution.

GoodFromYou Hey Studio

Hey Studio  |  Arrels

Historic Present

Historic Present

Oreo Colourfilled

Oreo Colourfilled