For the good of creativity.

Ideas, creative and design inspiration, curated with care by Steve & Charlie.



A tool to help prevent online abusive behaviour and bullying.

In a bid to help end online bullying, the 'Reword' campaign by Leo Burnett and Headspace aims to end online abusive behaviour by identifying insulting statements in real time and crossing them out.

Reword picks up abusive words, phrases and sentences via a Google Chrome extension. The red line prompts you to make a better choice of word in the moment, with a call to participate to help build further suggestions in the community.

"In this digital age, we need to give our kids as many tools as we can to help online. Once an insult is read, the damage is done."

It's a simply executed idea that leans on tech to bring a moving and impactful idea to life with impact. Good stuff.

GoodFromYou Leo Burnett & Headspace


This is Bears Ears

This is Bears Ears

Vocation Craft Lager

Vocation Craft Lager